April 2024 Newsletter
What are all these tiny reddish bugs!!
Have you seen little reddish dots all over your windows or siding? These tiny pests are clover mites. They live in lawns by the thousands and feed on clover and grasses. During the spring clover mites will be all over the side of your home and occasionally make their way into the home around the windows. The lower humidity inside will help prevent them from getting much farther than your windowsill. They don’t bite and wont cause any damage. Once the daytime highs consistently reach 85 degrees or so they will vanish.

A 24 inch barrier of dirt or pea gravel on the side of the home that they are on will help reduce the numbers that show up on the window sill inside. They like a well fertilized lawn as that is their food source so limiting the amount of fertilizer you use yearly can help reduce the attractiveness of your lawn.
While we can treat for them, we cannot guarantee full elimination. Give us a call if you feel overwhelmed by clover mites and we will do what we can to alleviate the issue.
Ants are Creeping in!
Ants are a common pest you will see in the near future around your home. This time of year is a good time to work on removing harborage to help eliminate nesting sites for ants this spring.

Leaf litter near the home is one of the most common harborage sites. Make sure to get rid of the leaves around the home and under the shrubs near your house before spring is in full gear!
Also help prevent ant issues by trimming the shrubbery away from your siding. Leave 8 inches of gap between the home and bushes to allow for more airflow and limit the access ants have to your house.
Doing these two things will drastically improve your chances of not battling ants this spring!
Want to enjoy your back patio this Spring?
Its been a very fast warmup to spring in our area. Already there are reports of mosquitoes being out in full force in backyards. Don’t give up though, Pesky Critters has some great options for controlling those pests for you.

Pictured to the left is an In2Care bucket that we have been using for 3 years now. We place 2-3 of these in the average city lot sized yard and can control your mosquito issues with minimal pesticides! Give us a call to learn more about the mosquito abatement program we offer!
Free money for referrals!
Want to get a $20 credit on your account? Refer friends and family! For each customer we sign up to a quarterly pest subscription you will get a $20 credit! There is no limit on the number of referrals you can give. You could pay for a years worth of pest control if 20 friends call us!!! They must mention your name for you to get the credit.

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