European Honey Bees
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs

Paper Wasp
Paper wasps are social insects known for building umbrella-shaped nests out of paper-like material. They are often seen around human habitats and can be aggressive when their nests are disturbed.
Rarely found nesting inside homes unless nests are built in wall voids or attics. In spring time they may try and exit these area through light fixture or gaps trying to get outside, but mistakenly coming inside.
Under eaves, roof overhangs, in shrubs, trees, around window frames, under decks.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Paper wasp treatments are included in our general pest control programs.

Mud Dauber Wasp
Mud dauber wasps are solitary insects known for building mud nests on walls, ceilings, and other structures. They are non-aggressive and help control spider populations.
Attics, basements, garages, sheds, rarely seen inside living areas unless they accidentally enter.
Under eaves, on walls, in sheds, garages, under decks, on porches.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Mud dauber wasp treatment does not require specialty services and is included in our general pest control program.

European Hornet
European hornets are social insects that build large, paper-like nests in hollow trees, attics, and wall voids. They are active during the day and night and can be aggressive when their nest is threatened.
Attics, wall voids, garages, basements.
Hollow trees, under eaves, in sheds, barns, and outbuildings, around window frames.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
European hornet treatment requires specialty services due to their aggressive nature and the difficulty of nest removal. This is not included in our general pest control programs.
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